Scottish Rite History
Illustrious Frederick Dalcho, 33° Esq
Past Sovereign Grand Commander
Supreme Council, 33°, SJ
(1770-Nov 24, 1836)
2nd Sovereign Grand Commander,
of the Supreme Council, Southern Jurisdiction
Dr. Frederick Dalcho (1770-1836) was a physician. He served in the Army and for a while was stationed at Fort Johnson. He formed a partnership with Dr. Isaac Auld, another of the original members, in 1801. He was an outstanding orator and author. In 1807 he published the 1st Edition of Ahiman Rezon. He became an editor of the Charleston Courier and would leave his medical practice to enter the ministry of the Episcopal Church, first becoming a deacon in 1814 and was ordained a minister in 1819.
Eleven Gentlemen of Charleston (1959)