Scottish Rite History
Illustrious Alexander McDonald, 33°
Past Sovereign Grand Commander
Supreme Council, 33°, SJ
(Dec 1, 1845- August, 1846)
2nd Sovereign Grand Commander,
of the Supreme Council, Southern Jurisdiction
In August 1846, eighteen months into his term
abruptly left
Charleston never to return..
Nov 17, 1822 - Sovereign Grand Inspector General
Past Corresponding Secretary of the Grand Lodge of South Carolina
1824-25 - Grand Deacon, Grand Lodge of South Carolina
1822 - Grand Steward, Grand Lodge of South Carolina
1830 - Captain of the Irish Volunteers
Past alderman of Charleston
Brother Alexander McDonald was a Charleston merchant, whom Albert Mackey described as a man of much intelligence and great Masonic experience and of retentive memory. Upon his appointment to Grand Commander, following the death of Grand Commder Jacob De La Motta, he appointed John H. Honour as his lieutenant. Brother McDonald swiftly reasserted the dominion of the Supreme Council over the Southern jurisdiction and the Supreme Council issued a second manifesto on August 2, 1845, second only in importance to the Manifesto of 1802. This second Manifesto restated the history of the Scottish Rite, a declaration of it's exclusive right to confer the 4th through the 32nd degrees and confirmed the recognition of the Northern jurisdiction and it's boundaries. A year and a half into his term, Brother McDonald left Charleston without explanation, never to return. The suddenness of his departure was never explained and the date and place of his death remain unknown.
Lodge of the Double Headed Eagle (Jul 1999)