Henry Gossett Eager ESQ, 32° KCCH
(Oct 14, 1923-Nov 27, 1972)
Member, Ivanhoe Lodge #446, Kansas City, MO
1960 - 32° Consistory of Western MO, Kansas City
1969 - Knight Commander of the Court of Honour
1969 - Venerable Master, Lodge of Perfection
Occupation: Attorney
Alumnus: Univ of Missouri, Columbia & Univ of Michigan Law School.
Interred: Forest Hill Cemetery
Brother Henry Gossett Eager was a prominent Kansas City attorney and son of a Supreme Court Judge. He served as a lieutenant in the Marine Corps after graduating from MU. He was a member of the Ivanhoe Masonic Lodge #446, The Kansas City Scottish Rite, the Kansas City Club, the Jackson County Historical Society, the Native Sons of Kansas City, the Kansas City Philharmonic Association and the Friends of Art.